National Duran Duran Appreciation Day

I have all of their albums. I’ve been a fan since their second one when “Hungry Like The Wolf” (the orgasm song!) from Rio hit it big. Being a Duranie has left me with a library of good and mediocre music through the years, as so — like life — Duran Duran has had their ups and downs and have even had a major comeback.

Rock geniuses? Maybe in the way they market themselves, but the music is mostly audio candy infested with earworms and so good to rot your teeth on. From “Planet Earth” to their last single “Nice”, it’s always exciting to see what pop goodness they will come up with next. In fact, their new album, Red Carpet Massacre, is scheduled to be released on October 30 in the states. SQUEAL! But get this — in order to keep current, the album was produced by Timberland with a couple of tracks recorded with Justin Timberlake. Can you say “desperate for a hit”? I knew you could.

I shan’t complain though. I loves me some Duran and glad that one of my favorite bands is still out there and making fun music. And now to honor Duran Duran, here are some words about their discography and my score for them on a scale of 1 – 5.

  1. Duran Duran (1981) – 3: Never really got into this, but love the singles.
  2. Rio (1982) – 5: The breakthrough and quintessential Duran album for many fans.
  3. Seven And The Ragged Tiger (1983) – 4: Try to follow Rio? Forget it. But I still played it to death.
  4. Notorious (1986) – 3: Some really good songs but sound is getting dated.
  5. Big Thing (1988) – 2: Um, yeah. What? Although “I Don’t Want Your Love” is one of my favorite singles.
  6. Liberty (1990) – 3: Trying to fit into the grunge scene. This album has really grown on me over the years. Unappreciated.
  7. Duran Duran “The Wedding Album” (1993) – 4: Wow! What a come back. This has some of their most mature work.
  8. Thank You (1995) – 1: And we fall. Horrible album of covers.
  9. Medazzaland (1997) – 2: “Electric Barbarella” is a pop masterpiece; however, this is where I was beginning to think they would never have a good album again, but the clouds parted…
  10. Pop Trash (2000) – 4: Truly their most under-appreciated album. The entire album follows a funky psychadelic sound that really suits their writing style. Not available anymore, but you can find used copies online. Well, worth the search.
  11. Astronaut (2004) – 3: Their well-publicized reunion album. They break no new ground, but it amazing to hear them playing together again. Several great songs.

And how about some songs you may not have heard and videos you may have not seen:

“I Don’t Want Your Love”

“Come Undone”

“Electric Barbarella”

Yes, today really is Duran Duran Appreciation Day. Check it.

Listening to: “Nice” – Duran Duran
Duran Duran - Astronaut - Nice

16 thoughts on “National Duran Duran Appreciation Day

  1. A senior called me a Duranimal when I was a freshmen in high school. I was devastated to be teased over a band I loved so much. Thanks for bringing those scars to the surface, Howard. Now, what did I do with my kleenex?

  2. Steve:
    You’re welcome! So glad I could help. Your time is up and I have another patient. Please pay on your way out.

    Don’t you mean that you’re no-no… notorious?

  3. I still remember the dance routine my sister and I developed for “The Reflex”, with flags and attitude. It was so gay.

    The “Seven and the Ragged Tiger” was the first cassette tape I ever bought.

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